Recipe of meat broth

Preparation: 30 min. Cooking: 2 to 3 hours.

Ingredients (about 3 l): 2 kg of meat (a big hen or beef: rib dish, cottage, tail ...) or bone. For the aromatic garnish: 1 large onion, 3 cloves, 3 shallots, 3 carrots, 2 leeks, 3 celery sticks, 4 large button mushrooms, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 tbsp. to s. of olive oil, 10 cl of cider vinegar, 1 bouquet garni, 1 tbsp. to s. coarse salt, 1 tsp. to c. crushed peppercorns.

Cover the meat with cold water (at least 4 l). Boil the water. As a gray foam appears on the surface, remove it with a slotted spoon. Peel and clean the vegetables. Cut the onion in half and have the cut faces strongly colored against a hot, fat-free pan. Plantezy the cloves. Finely chop the other vegetables. In the hot oil, make them sweat a few minutes (they should not color). Add them to the stewpot with the chopped onions, vinegar, bouquet garni, salt and pepper, then cook for 2 hours for the chicken and 3 hours for the beef (overnight for the bones). discovered and small broth. Empty from time to time. At the end of cooking, remove all the solid ingredients and allow the broth to cool. Remove the layer of grease that has frozen on the surface and filter the broth.

Vegetable broth recipe

Preparation: 20 min. Cooking time: 1:35

Ingredients: 3 carrots, 1 large onion, 2 shallots, 2 leeks, 3 celery sticks, 1 small fennel, 1/4 celeriac, 4 large button mushrooms, 2 garlic cloves, 2 cm ginger, 1 bouquet garni, 4 tarragon sprigs, 2 tbsp. to s. of olive oil, 1 star of star anise, 1 tbsp. to c. coriander seeds, 1/2 tsp. to s. coarse salt, 1 tsp. to c. crushed peppercorns.

Peel and clean all the vegetables. Slice carrots, onion, shallots, leeks, two celery, fennel, mushrooms and garlic. Peel and then slice the ginger. Tie the tarragon with the bouquet garni. In a large Dutch oven, heat the oil and put all the sliced ​​vegetables to sweat for 5 minutes. Stir them often, they should not stain. Add star anise, coriander, coarse salt and pepper. Cover with 3.5 liters of cold water and bring to a boil. Let simmer for 1 hour 30 minutes, uncovered. Let cool, then gently filter this broth.

Broth recipe Asian version

For an Asian broth (like phô bo bo Vietnamese, beef): at the beginning of cooking, add 2 star of star anise, 1 fragment of cinnamon, 3 sticks of minced lemongrass, the stems of 1 bunch of coriander, 1 C. to c. coriander seeds.

When serving (for 6 people), cut 300 g rump thinly, slice 2 onions. In each serving bowl, arrange the rump (it will cook in the broth), rice noodles previously cooked with broth (count a 400 g packet) and onion slices. Cover well with smoking broth, add bean sprouts (100 g), mint and coriander leaves, a little grated fresh ginger, a dash of nuocmâm and a few drops of lemon juice. Serve.

Recipes from "Bouillons" by Michelin-starred chef William Ledeuil (The Kitchen Galerie and KGB, Paris), ed. The Martinière. Also read: "Super bouillons" by Thomas Feller, ed. Hachette Practice.