Everything was going well, however. At 26, Sarah Boyle is the mother of a perfectly healthy baby. She has been breastfeeding since birth in February 2016, but at the end of five months she finds an anomaly by comparing her right breast and her left breast. She consults, but her doctor tells her not to worry because it is a benign cyst.

Yet, less than a month later, Teddy, his son, consistently rejects breastfeeding right. A behavior that then pushes the young mother to pass other exams. Assessment: a triple negative grade II cancer is diagnosed.

"I thought Teddy was trying to tell me something"

"Teddy did not react when I presented my left breast, and as soon as I tried to do the same with the right breast, he would start screaming, and seemed extremely upset," explains the young woman at the Daily Mail. February 20, 2017. "I had the impression that Teddy was trying to tell me something, we could call that the maternal instinct," she says.

In spite of her initial assessment at the doctor's, she decided to take further exams in November 2016, nearly 10 months after the birth of her son. Doctors detect problems with his cyst and give him a biopsy, which eventually reveals the cancer.

A late diagnosis that saves him all the same life

The care is very fast: the young woman is undergoing chemotherapy since last November - she is already half of her treatment - and will soon undergo a double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. A heavy treatment to assume, but she is very grateful.

"Teddy is my hero - if it was not for him, I would never have suspected that I had cancer My doctor told me that breastfeeding promotes the bond between mother and baby. In my case, it was more than that, it saved my life, "she confesses.

Sarah Boyle has not breastfed her baby since the announcement of her illness and said she was "very sad to lose her hair". However, she wants to make women aware of the importance of breast cancer screening and self-examination.
"Even a small anomaly deserves to be taken seriously," she recalls.