The calendula is a plant easy enough to identify: its yellow or orange flowers bloom in number in summer. This plant which appreciates the Mediterranean climate is very widespread in Europe. Known for centuries for its coloring properties, it also has multiple health benefits that make it an effective natural ingredient for improving well-being.

Calendula to relieve burns

The calendula flower is mainly used externally to soothe heated skin. Its anti-inflammatory power makes it an effective ingredient in the care of burns of all kinds, but also to calm bites. Calendula is also appreciated for its healing properties and stimulates cellular regeneration and therefore helps to solve small skin problems (irritations, scratches, cuts, ...). In external application, calendula soothes. Finally, it has a softening action hence its use in the care of dry skin, reactive and especially those of the youngest. To try: Calendula cream Boiron.

To soothe digestive, hepatic and menstrual disorders

The calendula can also be used internally. The plant has digestive properties and can be interesting in cases of gastric inflammation. Calendula infusions would also help regulate the menstrual cycle and soothe pain before menstruation . The plant may also be recommended for sore throats and fever .

Did you know that this flower is also a popular cosmetic ingredient? You are told everything about the virtues of calendula for our beauty.