Practical information
  • Dish Flat
  • No
  • for 4
  • No
  • 1h
  • Not specified
  • Not specified


1 duck foie gras (600g)
500 g of Puy green lentils
6 slices of bread
4 carrots tops
2 big onions
2 stalks of celery
1/2 celeriac
100 g fresh pork belly;
1 bouquet garni
1 CS of duck fat
2 liters of chicken broth
1/2 l of liquid cream
Salt and pepper from the mill


Step 1

Cut the foie gras into 6 scallops then season, flour on both sides, reserve in the refrigerator.

2nd step

Divide the vegetables into small cubes about 3 mm apart.
Cut the pork belly into thin bacon and fry in a non-stick frying pan, add a glass of water.

Step 3

Sweat the vegetables (aromatic garnish) in a saucepan with the duck fat, without coloring, add the bacon and lentils, mix well. Wet with the broth, add the bouquet garni, bring to a boil then reduce the cooking until shuddering.

Step 4

Salt after 45 minutes and finish cooking for another 15 minutes.
Mix the lentils after removing the bouquet garni with, possibly, the falls of foie gras, add the boiling cream, check the seasoning.

Step 5

Cook the escalopes of foie gras in the hot, non-fat, non-stick frying pan, about 2 minutes on each side, depending on the thickness, mop them on paper towels, place them in the center of a hot and warm dish plate. surround them with the lentil cream, itself boiling.


Suggested wine to accompany this dish: Red Bordeaux

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