Junk food, excess sugar, and rushed food prices all affect our health. Overweight, diabetes, cholesterol , fatigue, stress ... By dint of eating anything, no matter how, our body derails.

Here are some rules to follow for a better daily diet.

Reduce carbohydrates

Major issue, the decline of carbohydrates is consensus among nutritionists. The World Health Organization (WHO) sees red beyond 40 g of refined simple sugars a day, and recommends going down to 25 g , or 6 teaspoons. And it climbs quickly: 10 g = 1 yoghurt with fruit, 1 pot of rice pudding or 2 sugars. Added to this are the natural and healthy stamped sugars ... which are not. Such as agave syrup, touted for its glycemic index (GI) supposed low (which should therefore be less than 50).

"It varies between 55 and 90 depending on the method of manufacture (the brown sugar is 70) .It also contains a lot of fructose, a harmful sugar that turns into triglycerides and bloated , associated with other foods. Ditto for honey , which contains less fructose, but remains a fast sugar (GI between 50 and 70) "decrypts the naturopath Marion Thelliez 1 . As for dairy products, which contain lactose - the milk sugar - the bad surprise is not short of salt: "Despite a glycemic index (GI, which evaluates the rise in blood sugar) average 62, they result in a high secretion of insulin, equivalent to the consumption of a chocolate bar (insulin index at 115) and superior to white bread (100) ", decodes the naturopath Olivia Charlet.

Replace sugar

  • The crystals of organic essential oils to dissolve, flavors of bergamot, lime, verbena, cardamom, ylang (Aromandise, in organic shops).
  • The sap of coconut flowers (in syrup or sugar) for its low GI (24.5) and its weakness in fructose.
  • Lucuma powder , with its fig flavor, packed with vitamins, minerals and fiber for a low GI.
  • Cinnamon whose polyphenols lower blood sugar from 1 g per day (1 teaspoonful). Fewer cravings at the key.

Listen to his organism

Chocolate fondant or yuzu fennel? Both are compatible slimness if we adopt the intuitive eating , which is to pay full attention to what we eat and how we eat. In full sensoriality, we connect to our sense of smell and taste, to better renegotiate its relationship to food and dedicate them. We (re) learn to trust our food sensations, hunger and satiety , to eat just what the body needs and therefore slim down.

We can follow the exercise of the psychiatrist Christophe André 2 : "Take a raisin or a piece of fruit, observe in detail its shape, its color and its texture between your fingers.Please sniff it.A does it smell? Put it on your lips, what flavors come out, put it on the tongue, without chewing, take it first in your mouth, are there new flavors, bite once? Take the time to explore the nuances of taste, wait for their intensity to go down to chew again, chew slowly on the lookout for untapped tastes, does the taste linger after swallowing? body, do you feel satiated? "

Two nutritionists offer a nine-week program with nineteen audio exercises: "The pleasure of eating less with full awareness ", by Dr. Jean-Jacques Colin and Dr. Nicole Karsenti (Dunod).

Discover the superfoods

  • Chia seeds: rich in fiber and omega 3, polyunsaturated fatty acids that contribute to the release rate of serotonin (neuromediator anti-gloom), and the process of shedding fat cells. In the case of starvation, we stay in storage mode. To taste raw, ground, in a dairy or a salad. The alternative: as they absorb seven times their volume, they are slipped into a vegetable juice for a flan or pannacotta effect.

  • Raw cocoa: roasted, without added sugar and prepared below 46 ° C, its nutrients are intact, hence its magnesium level guaranteeing psychic balance , five times higher than that of 70% dark chocolate ( cooked and sweet). And a good dose of euphoric theobromine. Teff and Fonio Seeds Free of gluten , these African cereals munch on quinoa. The first is rich in fiber and gently diuretic . The crunchy grains with the nutty flavor of the second offer a good density of calcium, magnesium and zinc. Minerals that stress erodes.

  • Pumpkin seeds: they are distinguished for their masterful concentration of tyrosine and phenylalanine , the precursor amino acids of dopamine, the neuromediator of dynamism, which is the motivation to undertake and act. Also with a good density of iron, they are combined with heavy weights of vitamin C (citrus, broccoli ...).

  • Alkaline algae: they neutralize any acid-base imbalance , source of fatigue , overweight or immunity at half mast . Red, dulses contain 50% vegetable protein, the highest rate of all algae . The brown wakame is full of calcium, which promotes the intestinal elimination of lipids. All for a lipid bill almost zero.

Photo: ZelindaZanichelli / Director: Axelle Cornaille

Adopt gourmet dietetics

The healthy food was crazy about gastronomy. Normal, studies show that the more the pleasure of taste is intense, the better the satiety, and the faster it settles . We eat better and less. This is the creed of a whole generation of chefs and followers of well-being, who claim happiness in the mouth, from good products.

We delight in their creations in mooks (publications between the magazine, the magazine and the book) as the gourmet quarterly 180 ° C, "committed to a good and sustainable food", who does not hesitate to draw an ode to butter farmer. Same flavor on the blog with the licked aesthetic "Eating" of the cook followed worldwide Mimi Thorisson (mimithorisson.com). As for the head and naturopath Lina Bou, she mixes her skills in her Healthy & Happy Food, ed. Leduc.s. Finally, we enjoy veggie, gluten-free and sugar-free with the blog "Au vert avec Lili" (auvertaveclili.fr) and "Clea cuisine" (cleacuisine.com).

Forgetting calorie indices

Eating numbers has fizzled. "It's a trap and an obsolete notion, loose Béatrice de Reynal Nutritionist 3. Calories date from the time when it was thought that diet was limited to a supply of energy. But man n ' is not a boiler! Result: the addition is false, heavier than it is, because the calories do not integrate the process of digestion, nor the intervention of the intestinal flora or the work of digestive enzymes nor the role of other nutrients. "

Thus, it is sufficient to consume ground chia seeds or a little coconut flour, rich in fiber, in tandem with a pastry to lengthen the assimilation time of sugars, which are then partly burned instead of being stored . As for green vegetables, their fibers partially inhibit the absorption of lipids. Translation: we make composite menus to enjoy all the micronutrients, without taboo food, knowing that the food balance is built over several days.

Stimulate your body

Losing weight is not just a matter of eating. Body energy must be able to move freely. This is the specialty of Lauren Roxburgh, nicknamed "the woman who whispers in the ear of the body" by Gwyneth Paltrow. Its field ? Fascia, thin membranes that connect the organs. To sculpt the silhouette, it stimulates them in parallel with the lymphatic system, equipped with a foam roller, the foam cylinder used for Pilates .

" The deep abdominals are mobilized, the spine recovers and toxins are exuded.The silhouette thins, up to two sizes, regardless of weight loss," says Lauren Roxburgh in Natural Beauty by Goop, the latest installment by Gwyneth Paltrow (Marabout ed.) She presents her movements, which can be found on her Youtube channel laurenroxburgh.com.

A test session? "Straight, kneel on a sports mat and cross the ankles.Place the 15 cm roller behind you and lean back to support the palms, thumbs to the feet.Inhale pushing on the roller to lift you and throw the pelvis forward, shoulders backwards, look up at the sky, grow up and open the ribcage, exhale back to the original position, and do ten times by reversing the ankles. "

1. Author of I liberate myself from sugar, ed. Eyrolles. 2. Author of 3 minutes to meditate, ed. The iconoclast. 3. Author of Open the eye before opening your mouth, ed. Robert Laffont.