The ingrown hairs have several origins. They are often the result of intensive epilation with wax as with the electric epilator. But this phenomenon is also related to the nature of the skin, the hair and the rubbing of clothing on the legs.

Avoid ingrown hairs by taking care of your skin

The first reflex to adopt is to properly hydrate the skin in order to soften it and to allow the hairs to cross it. Indeed, the ingrown hairs result from the weakening of the hair caused by repeated epilation. They become less vigorous and have more difficulty passing the skin barrier.
To remedy this, apply a regular exfoliating scrub and exfoliating glove. Repeat this procedure once a week, taking care to nourish the skin with a suitable cream.

Vary the hair removal techniques

To reduce the growth of subcutaneous hair , try to slow down the hair removal sessions a bit and vary the techniques.
Alternate between the wax, electric appliance and punctually the razor, which has the advantage of regenerating the hair and allowing some of the ingrown hairs to pierce the skin.
And if you have difficulty extracting a hair, use a disinfecting tweezers and remove it gently.