Keratin is a fibrous natural protein, created by the human body to build the integuments (hair, hair, nails ...). The hair is composed, for example, of 85% keratin. This allows to protect them from external aggressions, UV, pollution ... But also to reinforce the hair. However, the more the hair is exposed to aggressions, such as the heat of the hair straighteners or chemical processes such as colorations, the less naturally they contain keratin.

"Keratin is used to reinforce the intercellular cement and thus to recollect the scales of the hair" explains Stéphane Weyl, head of training Fabio Salsa, "it comes to fill the gaps on the surface and allows to smooth the first layer of the hair". Keratin therefore acts as a protective film that would be applied to the hair. It restores strength but also a smoother and shiny appearance to the hair.

Keratin, active star of Brazilian smoothing

For Stéphane Weyl, the new popularity of keratin is linked to the success of its use in Brazilian smoothing. Thanks to the keratin, the Brazilian smoothing makes it possible to modify profoundly the structure of the hair. Women who have curly, kinky or sparkling hair can, if they wish, find a smooth and more disciplined material.

"By bridging the scales by injecting keratin, the structure of the hair is modified. Since non-aggressive Brazilian smoothing has been successful, keratin has been used in many derivative care products," analyzes Stéphane Weyl. "Keratin is actually a new hair therapy, which has revolutionized our approach to techniques and care."

A product that protects the hair and fills the scales

According to the expert, keratin has four main uses and many benefits.

It makes it possible in particular to optimize the potential for realization of hairdressing techniques known as "semi-final", such as smoothing or even permanent. Thanks to its action on the cuticle, it protects the hair, fills and strengthens the scales. This way of using keratin, especially in the living room, makes it possible to modify the structure in a radical way.

Keratin and steamer: a duo of hell for straight hair

Used in combination with a steamer (Steampod type), in the living room or at home, keratin -contenated in specific hair care products - can tame curly or unruly hair. This method, smoother than a Brazilian smoothing treatment in salon, allows to act on the aspect of the hair, for a punctual result. The advantage? One avoids the loss of volume that sometimes takes place with a Brazilian smoothing. It is the repetition of the steam smoothing married to the keratin which makes it possible to smooth the hair more and more durably.

Cure of keratin: SOS treatment of very damaged hair

Last way to use keratin: the integration of hair care products enriched in keratin to its hair routine. It acts on the surface, to reinforce the hair by filling the gaps in the hair fiber. It is a more superficial use, such as a boost to strengthen the hair and restore shine and vigor.

In case of very damaged hair, it is also possible to carry out an intensive cure of keratin. Stéphane Weyl warns: "When the product used is very concentrated in keratin, it is better to use it in cure of three weeks, not to risk to choke the hair - and create a form of addiction of the hair to keratin. " This cure is ideal when the hair has been truly exposed or mistreated. This is often the case after the summer, for example, or when they have been in great demand by aggressive techniques such as coloring, discoloration or smoothing.