To take care of your assaulted hair all summer by the salt of the sea water, chlorine pools, sunlight, nothing like a good hydration cure. If we have the reflex to protect our skin from the sun , we often forget our hair and they are weakened. Dry and brittle, they may be thin and beautiful in color, they lack sweetness. How to restore their flexibility and repair the damage of the summer?

Of course, the ideal would have been to take care of it during the summer by protecting them, even by not exposing themselves. Yes, but we know what it is and it is not too late to do it right. When the holidays come back, we start the emergency plan.

What nourishing care when?

To feed his hair at every moment, we opt for the appropriate care. The day, we use care without rinsing, Attention dosage, we put a little bit, every day, on the lengths. It is better to go daily, but sparingly, rather than doing one treatment a week and emptying the tube!

We use a shampoo, a conditioner and nourishing and repairing care.

At night, one can make baths of oil. It can be applied as a poultice, bit by bit, then tying the hair into a bun to penetrate. You can also choose vitaminized dry oils, which are applied generously on the scalp, lengths and points. When you wake up, rinse well. The laziest of us will be pleased to learn that there is also no-rinse night care.

Nourish my hair every day

How to wash your hair without drying? We know that shampoo, in general, is not the ally of dry hair. The more we rub the scalp, the more we attack the hair. This will put the sebaceous glands in action. They are responsible for producing sebum. And who says sebum says ... greasy hair. The solution is to space the shampoos! Arm yourself with patience and cheat with dry shampoo .