Medor makes you pay dearly for his days alone: ​​when you come home in the evening, it's a disaster. How to react ?

At first, it's useless to scold him . He does not relate his afternoon behavior to your reaction in the evening.

In 80% of the cases, it acts thus by boredom and inactivity . During your absence, leave him a bone to gnaw (masticatory activity) and, on his return, play games with him (sit-down, right paw, left paw, buffer) by rewarding each "work" with a little of food, in fact, its evening pie in portions. Finally, walk it if possible 3 times 20 min per day (in the morning, on your return and in the evening).

In 20% of cases, it is an anxiety of separation, an impossibility to remain alone and, during his panic attacks, he ransacked everything. In this case, consult a behavioral veterinarian. He will give you tips to teach him to stay alone or a soothing medicine.

To find a behavioral veterinarian, contact your general veterinarian or go to: . Cost of the consultation: 75 and 100 €

Thanks to Dr. Dehasse, veterinarian behaviorist, author of "My dog ​​is happy" (Odile Jacob)