Why ? The skin of the feet is drier , so it tends to crack easily. In addition, we do our feet a lot of micro-trauma walking with shoes sometimes too flat (flip flops, ballerinas, tennis ...). Faced with these attacks, our skin makes horn (keratin) that splits and forms crevices that can go deep and bleed. They are, at this stage, an entryway for infections ... If a single heel cracks, better speak to his doctor because a pond radio can reveal an imbalance .

We try. In any case, we go to the pedicure or chiropodist . These experts have sterile instruments and remove the horn without attacking the skin or causing infection.

At home, you do not scratch your feet with a grater or pumice . But we take an emollient bath , with 2 tbsp. to s. of bicarbonate that promotes the elimination of dead skin. Then hydrate with a specific product for dry feet morning and evening. The most: before bedtime and after putting cream, put on cotton socks that promote the penetration of the cream .

When the crevices are very deep, one "clogged" with a specific liquid bandage type Urgo Filmogel or Mercurochrome crevices dressings.

Thanks to Dr. Patrick Brun, dermatologist.