The chocolate and strawberry flavour shakes are 100% plant based, low in saturated fat, a source of good quality protein and free from any artificial colours or preservatives. *Breathe* Plus they are a source of calcium- just like milk and they contain B2, B12 and D. Impressive stats- but what we all what to know is what they taste like?

It’s quite disheartening when all you want is a milkshake and the very key ingredient is one you can’t have or don’t want to consume.

I went to an American style diner with my husband a couple of weeks back and it was awful watching him work his way through a giant glass of the pink, frothy stuff while I had to make do with soda- again.  

But now it’s all fine because Alpro have released soya drinks that taste just like the real thing- all you need is a straw, a fancy glass and some 50’s music and you’re there!  

The only thing I would say is- you can’t have just one- or at least I can’t- they come in threes and it’s very difficult not to drink the entire pack.

Luckily, I work from home, so no one could hear me sucking the very last drop out of each of the cartons but it was worth it for the final hit of the addictive strawberry or chocolate flavour.

The packs are ideal for if you are on the go and looking for a sweet fix. At only 155 calories they amount the around the same as a chocolate bar.

Although you generally find these on the shelves of the free from aisle- I strongly recommend putting them in the fridge before you drink them. It fools you into thinking you are having a real milkshake.

All I need now is a full circle swing skirt! *BRB*