Robert Pattinson most of all wanted to tear away at the height of his career.

The 31-year-old actor became Edward with his role Cullen suddenly became famous in the 'Twilight' franchise - but it took some time before he was able to cope with the sudden fame. He confesses that at the slightest sign of a paparazzi, he immediately vanished and avoided cameras like the plague - not so easy when you were considered one of the most sought-after Hollywood stars. "It worked after a while," he reports. "They just thought, 'Oh, this guy is just making trouble.' There are ways to get out of there relatively easily, but you have to live a very weird life. It's just an effort and most people don't even bother to do it. "

The 'Remember Me' actor further admits that he is still not a fan of press work. "It's technically part of my job, but I've never been good at it," he told GQ magazine. "I've never been worried enough about anyone watching the film. If I couldn't say anything, I would do it."