What is the best technique for successful styling? To find out, MarieClaire.com went to interview the famous hair stylist Rodney Cutler, whose clients include Emma Watson, Jamie King and pop singer Fergie.

Rodney tells us the 7 most common mistakes we make with our hair dryer.

  • Tip # 1: Your hair is too wet

"Many women start drying their soaked hair," says Cutler. The best thing is that your hair is 60% dry before using your hair dryer. The best is to pat them in a towel before you start blow drying.

  • Tip # 2: Use your fingers to peel off your roots

This is THE solution to have "natural" volume. The hair stylist advises to take off his roots with his hands, because "it is difficult to find a brush of the right diameter so that the effect remains natural".

  • Tip # 3: Start your blow dry at the right height

"Put your round brush on the roots, and wind the brush down to the ends," says Cutler. This allows to dry all of her scalp at the same time. All you have to do is tie the ends.

  • Tip # 4: Use your products intelligently

That one who has never applied a mask without reading the precautions before us throws the first stone: it remains a capillary mask after all. Yet some products actually require good use to be effective. Example: lacquer, which must be sprayed at a good distance to avoid a cardboard effect.

  • Tip # 5: Choose a brush adapted to your hair

A good workman, the right tool. To succeed in blow drying, you must choose a brush adapted to your hair (curly, smooth, brittle ...). Generally, "bigger is the brush, smoother are the hair," says Cutler. However, on already smooth hair, it takes a special fiber to work the volume.

  • Tip # 6: Do not rush into blow drying

You have to take your time to succeed in blow drying. "Let your hair rest, so that they cool down!" "Says Rodney Cutler. This will allow you to keep your styling longer.

  • Tip # 7: And do not use a spout.

This is the accessory supplied with the device when you bought it, but it's best for you not to use it. "It simply sprays hair with heat everywhere, and further degrades your scalp," says Cutler

So, now your hair dryer has more secrets for you. To your brushes.

Source: marieclaire.com