Just as one tries to tone a ramollo belly or raplapla buttocks, it is possible to apply the same principle on his face by making him do a little "gym".

Indeed, the muscles of the face also lose their curve over time. It is therefore imperative to stimulate and tone them with some simple exercises of facial gymnastics.

What is facial gym?

Facial gymnastics (or facial yoga) is a method that will prevent and erase the signs of age such as wrinkles, fine lines or sagging skin through exercises of contraction of the muscles of the face and neck.

These exercises will also naturally stimulate the microcirculation and thus boost the production of collagen and elastin to find a more toned and better hydrated skin.

Why do we start?

As time passes, the muscular fibers are less and less tonic, the features are relaxed and the whole face collapses.

The causes ? A bad lifestyle (tobacco, alcohol, bad eating habits), bad beauty practices (deadlock on removing make-up, use of care unsuitable for its type of skin), pollution or hormonal changes.

Facial areas affected by the facial gym

The zones that will be worked and massaged are those most affected by the signs of aging skin:

  • Bitches of bitterness
  • Goose feet
  • Ride of the lion
  • Double chin
  • Nasolabial furrow

At what point do you get your facial gym?

"One can do his facial gymnastics with or without cream (note: a face cream or oil facilitate massage), at any time of the day and wherever you can, even in the car," explains Laetitia Lanauve de Tartas, international trainer for the Payot laboratories.

Our expert advises even to do exercises several times a day - it takes only a few minutes - to increase their effects tenfold.

And if one does not yet fully master the movements, one places oneself in front of a mirror to avoid unnecessarily contracting other parts of the face.

The facial gym, from what age?

"It is not necessary to wait for the wrinkles to settle and for the muscles to relax. The best thing is to start as early as possible, as a preventive measure, in order to preserve its youth and beauty capital," advises Laetitia Lanauve de Tartas.

So the sooner the better. Especially since wrinkles, once installed, will be more difficult to dislodge.

4 facial gym exercises to adopt

Before starting your exercises, take several great inspirations, then exhale by releasing all your muscles. You must be totally relaxed. Each exercise is repeated 5 times.

  • Facial Gym Exercise for Lip Pumping

Speak the letters "u" and "o" with exaggeration.

  • Facial gymnastics exercise to smooth out the contour of the eyes and the contour of the mouth

Make delicate pressure movements with the pulp of the fingers, starting from the outer edge of the hand to the inner edge, from the inner corner of the eye to the root of the hair at the level of the eyebrow and then top of the cheekbone.

Make the same movements with the three fingers of a hand on the lips and their contour.


  • Facial Gym Exercise to Reshape the Face Oval

Sitting, straight back, chin slightly inclined downwards.

Place the two clenched fists under the chin.

Oppose a contrary pressure between the fists and the chin taking 3 seconds.

Release for 3 seconds then start again.

  • Facial Gym Exercise to Tone the Whole Face

Performing upward pressure movements, starting from the outer edge of the hand to the inner edge, from the center of the face to the outside, avoiding the eye contour


* Thanks to Laetitia Lanauve de Tartas, international trainer for the cosmetic laboratory Payot.