Several factors attack our skin from the inside: hormones , stress , pollution ... If we add an excess of saturated fats , our overflowing organism reacts by an inflammatory state: pimples arise. In everyday life, we adopt a diet that limits the damage. This is the 4 x 4 rule.

- 1/4 of fruit : preferably raspberries , strawberries , blackcurrant ...

Why ? Rich in water, their glycemic index (GI) is low: they do not create a sharp peak blood sugar in the blood. In contrast, high GI foods are directly involved in inflammatory conditions that facilitate acne breakouts.

- 1/4 raw vegetables : cabbage , cucumber , avocado , lettuce , tomatoes , arugula , beetroot , carrot .

Why ? Alkalizing , they counterbalance the effect of acidifying foods (meat, industrial products) which, in turn, accentuate inflammation.

- 1/4 cooked vegetables : cabbage , artichoke , turnips , spinach .

Why ? Their fiber richness allows the rest of the plate to be digested more easily and further decreases its total glycemic index.

- 1/4 of protein : sardines , salmon , oysters , eggs , chickpeas , lentils , nuts .

Why ? For their omega 3 fatty acids that counterbalance the effect of highly inflammatory omega 6 (found in red meats, cheeses, dairy products).

To read: "The anti-acne dietetics", of Dr. Marie-Pierre Hill-Sylvester , Thierry Souccar Editions, 9,90 €.