Spirulina, wakame, dulse, nori ... The "aquatic vegetables" have the wind in their sails and are considered as healthy food or even superfoods . If we consume them mostly in sushi, our neighbors in Asia, they made seaweed one of the flagship foods of their diet. An example to follow…

The health benefits of algae

Nicknamed "aquatic vegetables", algae are consumed in the same way as vegetables. With their fine and iodized taste, they are an original and astute alternative to vegetables. In addition, algae have many virtues:

- They are stuffed with antioxidants : algae contain carotenoids (which also play on their color) , flavonoids, phenolic acids and several vitamins.

- They are rich in fiber . Consuming it helps to facilitate intestinal transit and to protect against cardiovascular diseases (the fibers reduce the impact of cholesterol, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases).

- They would have anticancer properties . In vitro scientific studies have shown that a component of algae, carotenoids, may decrease the viability of colon cancer cells . Others suggest that thanks to fucoidan (a sugar found in brown seaweed) the consumption of algae could help fight the development of cancerous breast cells .

Algae against deficiencies

In lack of iron? We put on kelp , kombu and raw wakame which constitute an excellent contribution of iron for the men and a contribution which the experts describe as "good enough" for the woman. And if we have a magnesium deficiency, we choose the same seaweed! Lack of zinc? We prefer kelp ( kelp) , kombu , dulse and nori raw for women. And calcium is chosen seaweed (kelp), the kombu and wakame raw.

Sushi, makis ... and others

Addicted to sushi? And if we ate algae otherwise ... After getting the flagship ingredient in some supermarkets or in an Asian grocery store in the kitchen. On the menu ? A seaweed salad, seaweed spread, seaweed crisps ... it's up to you!

We give you some recipe ideas, drawn on Pinterest.