Bread, a rich source of complex carbohydrates

Flour, water, yeast, salt: four ingredients that, when combined, make up our main daily food, the one that accompanies all our meals, sweet and salty, and is a basic element of a balanced diet. Because bread is a rich source of nutrients, including fiber, vegetable protein and complex carbohydrates. These are a significant amount in bread (55 g per 100 g) and represent an undeniable energy intake, well known to athletes before an effort.

It is indeed the complex carbohydrates that are the main source of energy to the metabolism of the human body and to the functioning of the nervous system. This high carbohydrate complex also explains the feeling of satiety provided by the bread, and can be a "weight" ally for a diet to avoid snacking between meals (the bread is also poor in sugar and fat).

The benefits of bread

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Why focus on wholemeal bread?

Another bonus of bread for our body: its high fiber content, which facilitates digestion and intestinal transit. This is even more true when it comes to wholemeal bread or cereals, made from unrefined or complete flours, which contain most of the grain elements, along with the sprouts, and are therefore much richer in fiber, in minerals and vitamins than a white flour bread. In general, it is always better to prefer a whole loaf which, in addition, can be preserved longer.

If today we consume half as much bread as fifty years ago, it is high time to reverse the trend and rehabilitate its consumption, which is beneficial from every point of view. Nutritionists generally agree on this point: eating bread with each meal is strongly recommended and often serves as a first step towards a balanced diet.
