Listen to the signs of sleep

To sleep ? We are almost one in two French people complaining of having restless nights. But are we paying close attention to the signs of fatigue, the signals sent by our bodies to say that it is time to go to bed, just like yawning? Not really. Moreover, most of us have behaviors that slow down good sleep and impact the quality of sleep. It must be known that physiologically certain conditions are required to be able to fall asleep: a lower temperature and the darkness are the two essential conditions for a good sleep.

In sleep debt

We are almost all in debt of sleep: we sleep about 7h 05 per night during the week to recover the weekend with nights of 8h11, according to INSV / MGEN survey carried out for the 16th day of sleep, March 18, 2016 Worse: 73% of us wake up at night for at least 30 minutes.

Why are we sleeping so badly?

There are reasons known for a long time. First false good ideas like too intense activities when you need calm. There are also poorly adapted meals. Some studies also point to certain moments in life, such as menstruation in women. Finally sleep experts observe the growing share of the use of screens in the evening: computers, tablets, smartphones .... Even more than the TV we used a few years ago, these new technologies follow us into our rooms and make us " sentinel sleepers ", alert, ready to respond to the slightest solicitation.

We take stock of these reasons that prevent us from sleeping well in this slideshow.