The tracks of Sandrine Banas , author of "A simple method to let go" (Ed Dangles).

Why are we overflowing?

Because a part of us needs to have many occupations to achieve happiness. A happiness we expect to achieve by constantly seeking to satisfy all our desires. Except that each time we want even more: a career development, perfect children, etc.

What to do to make this change?

Reverse the process. To say to oneself: "Happiness is in me." To succeed, one must let go , say no to that part of oneself that tends to be overflowed, and end up in the present time. This may include, for example, getting up ten minutes earlier to cuddle her children or to take time out of a coffee.

In practice, how do you let go?

First, we must believe that it is possible and evacuate what parasitizes our mind: a professional or family concern ... To achieve this, I designed a visualization method. It is a matter of mentally entrusting this problem to an outside person, imaginary or not, to whom we turn to let go, as we would leave an object in the care of someone else. The idea is not to find a solution but rather to stop focusing on what is wrong in order to realize that what concerns us is perhaps less important than we thought.

26% of women experience a level of stress dangerous to their health compared to only 11% of men . (Source: National Research and Safety Institute)

We did it

Learn to say no , to his boss, his friends, his children ... Stop thinking: "I should have said no" and take the time to find the reason why you can not do it. Spot situations to find the right parry. Why not try a compromise? So, to your boss who asks you to stay later in the office, answer, for example: "Okay, but I would like to leave earlier tomorrow to make the purchases I had to make today." (Excerpt from Savoir savoir no, by Marie Haddou, Flammarion ed.).

A quiz to take stock of your stress level. A little tour in the headings "Identify the causes" and "Strategies of containment", will allow you to open avenues of reflection on the reasons for all this pressure.