Magnesium and cancer
Magnesium and cardiovascular diseases
Magnesium and diabetes
Magnesium and memory disorders

Magnesium and cancer

It seems that magnesium chloride acts on the evolution of cancerous tumors ...
But beware. To date, no study has shown that it allows us to cure this disease .

However, it has been proven that a magnesium deficiency could be a cancer factor . A strong supplementation of the mineral would therefore slow down its appearance.
Indeed, magnesium protects the cells from many attacks that we are subjected to daily including heavy metals such as aluminum, lead or nickel ...
But these promote the development of cancer.

So to put the odds on your side, consume magnesium chloride.

Magnesium and cardiovascular diseases

Magnesium promotes the dialysis of blood and therefore prevents the formation of clots in the brain.

Consuming a high dose of magnesium (while staying within the recommended standards!) Would lower blood pressure and therefore prevent hypertension.

American research also highlights its effect on the reduction of cholesterol deposits on the arterial walls.

So watch your plate and promote the intake of magnesium to your body.

Magnesium and diabetes

The link is almost certain between the low intake of magnesium and the diabetes of the wall age (type 2). In the case of this disease, insulin is not effective. And a magnesium deficiency would prevent insulin receptors from working well.

Magnesium and memory disorders

One thing all scientists agree on: Magnesium stabilizes nerve connections . But when its concentration in the brain is very important, the decline of short and long-term memories no longer appear. This is at least what was found after an experiment performed on rats.

After the injection of magnesium in our rodent friends, the nerve connections were much more numerous in the area of ​​the brain which acts on the memory.

Maybe a glimmer of hope to fight against Alzheimer's disease ...

Excerpt from Génial Magnesium of Alix Sanderval Editions Alysse.