Christmas, not a gift for our stomach

The end of year holiday meals are an opportunity to meet up for a good time with family, but not only! At Christmas, we must admit, we take the opportunity to eat well. Foie gras, salmon, Christmas turkey, cheese platter, gourmet desserts, all of course accompanied by champagne and other festive spirits ... In short, it's not just our hips that take a hit! Our stomach and our liver also see all the colors, they who are not used to eat so much and drink at once.

Faced with this excess of fatty and sugary foods, it is difficult to follow. Our "tools" digestion (stomach, liver ....) are too slow, failing to secrete enough juices responsible for the assimilation of fat. In short, in 24 hours, we still have not digested Eve Eve. Our body is struggling to eliminate waste and toxins.

Direct consequence: you suffer from heartburn, bloating or nausea after the end of the year holidays.

The 5 reflexes detox post end of year festivities

Do not panic ! To give a boost to our stomach and thus facilitate the process, here are 5 detox reflexes to adopt after Christmas and the end of the year holidays:

- Take some milk thistle. It is a plant traditionally used to relieve digestive disorders related to insufficient production of bile. Its secret: silymarin, a hepatoprotective substance (it protects the liver by allowing its cells to self-regenerate in part and curbing attacks of toxic substances). It is found in capsules sold in pharmacy and drugstore.

- Dare the fibers. Components of plants, they trap toxins and stimulate transit. They are part of the essential elements of our body since it is advised to eat between 25 and 30 grams per day. But daily consumption of plant foods sometimes becomes complicated because of our way of life. It is enough however to modify a little our habits. Replacing white bread with wholemeal bread or adding a teaspoon of oat bran to a natural yoghurt in the morning can help us reach our fiber quota. Wheat bran, oatmeal, white beans or lentils are high fiber elements, as are all vegetables. So do not hesitate to do a little vegetarian after Christmas.

- Adopt turmeric. This spice has been used for centuries in cooking and traditional medicine. Turmeric acts primarily by promoting the production of bile by the liver and stimulating its secretion in the intestine. WHO (World Health Organization) recognizes the effectiveness of turmeric in treating digestive disorders such as stomach upset, nausea or heaviness.

- Drink green tea (and herbal teas more generally). Consume hot drinks hydrates us and promotes elimination. Green tea is also particularly known for its antioxidant effect: it helps our cells to renew themselves and therefore delays the aging of our skin. To fully enjoy all its benefits, it should be infuse the green tea, at least 2 minutes at 90 °.

- Try the rosemary. This plant is emblematic of Mediterranean cuisine. The ancient Greeks already praised the health of rosemary. Even today, it is used to relieve difficult digestion and stomachaches. Take it as an infusion or capsule, it is the leaves of rosemary, its dried flower heads and its essential oil which is used in cooking as in soft medicine. Ideal for a day of Christmas Eve or Christmas!