Have firm and plump buttocks, a grail - sometimes unacknowledged - that affects many of us. There is, however, no secret to create a rounded buttocks: it is necessary to practice very regularly adapted exercises.

Emmanuelle Cabassut and Mathieu Dubois, coaches at the WOD - CrossFit Trapeze in Boulogne-Billancourt, have concocted a custom circuit training for muscular buttocks.

Each series of exercises consists of two different movements, these series are called "bi-sets". They consist of a polyarticular exercise and a monoarticular exercise.

1st Biset: Jumping lunges and raised lunges

What? We do 15 jumping lunges or lunges 15 cm high.

How? We start with the right leg. The starting position: quadrupedic position (on all fours), on a bench, the right leg is stretched by pointing the foot. The tip of the foot passes alternately left and right of the bench.

When the foot passes over the bench, the heel goes as high as possible very slowly. The abs are well contracted and the back does not move.

How many ? 20 repetitions with the right leg, then 20 with the left leg. Four sets of each leg are performed with 30 seconds to a maximum of one minute between each leg change. When one leg works, the other partially recovers.

2nd Biset: Squats with elastic and abductions

woman squat buttocks muscles sport fitness © jacoblund / iStockphoto.com

Starting position: place an elastic just above the knees, to intensify the exercises.

What? We do 20 deep squats, without completely reassembling the pelvis (in order to leave maximum tension). We can add to the exercise with a jump option: we keep the lower buttocks (we can put the shoulders slightly in front but keep the buttocks behind and "arch" to the maximum), then we made 30 abductions. For this, push the outer knees and stay in contraction for half a second and close slowly.

You have to look for the burn and stay there.

How many ? We do 4 series, with 1min30 of maximum rest between each.

3rd Biset: Step up and hip extensions

step up extension leg levee woman fitness sport diaper muscle © SrdjanPav / iStockphoto.com

What? First we do 20 step up (up and down a step). Then 20 right leg hip extensions, weighted if possible, then left leg.

How? For the step up, it is enough to climb and go down a step or a small step. Then for the extensions, we place ourselves back straight on all fours, then we stretch the leg behind keeping it straight, if possible with ballasts to the ankles.

How many ? 20 sets of each, with a rest of 30 seconds to 1 minute maximum between each exercise.

Special exercise: squat pistol

What? For this exercise, two options: either, one stands with one hand on each side of the frame of a door before carrying out the squat, stretching the leg in front when one bends down; either we only make a slit with only the knee of the back leg in contact with the ground and then on all fours, we do a weighted hip extension insisting on the exit of the heel towards the ceiling, and we contract when the heel is in above.

Be careful, the back should be fixed and the abs well contracted.