What is the Nordic diet?
The plus of the Nordic diet
The least of the Nordic diet
Foods to consume
Foods to banish
Efficiency of the Nordic diet

What is the Nordic diet?

Based on a food model considered "good" for health, the Nordic diet as well as the Mediterranean diet or the Okinawa diet is based on a simple diet. We stop industrial foods, we eat omega 3 and we do physical exercise, even basic like cycling or just walking

The plus of the Nordic diet

No frustration since a very large number of foods are allowed.
Seasonal products are preferred, which is perfectly good for your health.
It is recommended a very low consumption of alcohol but also of tobacco.
Finally, industrial food is to be banned, and that's good!

The least of the Nordic diet

Eating fish too often can pose health risks, especially when the source is "suspicious". That is why it is recommended to eat 2 to 3 times maximum maximum per week.

Foods to consume

During this diet, it is recommended to eat fatty and lean fish (salmon, herring and other fresh sardines become your best allies!), Rapeseed oil, game meat and also berries. The goal: to consume as much as possible foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins D, fiber and of course Omega 3!

Foods to banish

Say goodbye to industrial food, butter or cream. From now on, we must focus on fat but the good! Sugars and starches are also avoided.

Efficiency of the Nordic diet

This diet is not supposed to lose weight since (good) fat is recommended. At least in the short term. On the other hand, it is supposed that, since antioxidant foods rich in fiber and vitamins are recommended, it brings benefits equivalent to a real slimming program.