What does it consist of?
Foods to consume
Foods to banish
The lessers
Duration and effectiveness

What does it consist of?

Directed by Laurence Salomon , naturopath, Chef at the organic restaurant Nature & Saveur and creator of the Cuisine Originelle teaching center in Annecy and Lylian Le Goff , environmental doctor and food expert, the book " This is not a diet " by Marabout publishers simple solutions to eat balanced while having fun and keeping / finding the line.

They denounce the risks of the "miracle" diet by reminding that mortality is increased by 23% when we favor high protein diets and that there is a 14% probability in addition to suffering a heart attack.

The method is based on 3 main principles

- To start, make healthy and natural food combinations by eating more vegetables, following the principles of the Food Triad * and the Original Cuisine while respecting the acido-basic balance.

- Then eat organic foods undenatured, satiating and vitalizing. They must be unrefined, seasonal and if possible close .

- Finally, eat more raw, moderate the quantities by chewing well. In other words, have good habits and find culinary expertise !

The first advice given in this book is to have constantly at home the "12 closets food" if possible bios, which constitute the basis of a healthy diet.

The goal here is to relearn the nutritional fundamentals and thus correct the unbalanced eating habits of the French who often wrongly privilege animal proteins at the expense of those plants. These are healthier because eating too much meat increases the risk of cancer by 14%.

* Food Triad: it is based on the nutritional balance of three complementary poles: the protein (essential amino acids and proteins), the caloric (simple and complex carbohydrates, saturated and unsaturated fats) and the regulating reaction (vitamins and trace elements catalysts, regulating fibers and protective elements).

Foods to consume

Ingested and cooked foods should preferably be organic because they are very rich in nutrients .

Reduce meat foods and favor fish. Distribute protein intakes equally between animal and plant origins.

Know that in 100g of meat there is 20g of protein, which is equivalent to 100g of whole grain cereals associated with 50g of legumes .

The term cereals includes: oats, wheat, spelled, quinoa, maize, millet, barley, rice, buckwheat, rye ...

Pulses mean dried vegetables such as lentils, white or red beans, chickpeas, split peas, beans, soybeans ...

5 good acid-base formulas are proposed in This is not a diet each of which must be accompanied by 1.5 L of water per day. Here are two:

  • 5 x 20% or 5 rations to be evenly distributed in a day (every 20% = 100g weighed before soaking or cooking) with: raw vegetables, cooked vegetables, fruits, protein foods of animal origin, protein foods of vegetable origin
  • 60% 40%, alkaline intakes are favored: 60% alkalizing foods (vegetables and fruits with 20% raw vegetables 20% cooked vegetables 20% fruits) and 40% acidifying foods (20% animal protein 20% vegetable protein)

The foods to be favored are:

- alkalizing agents

  • Most mature fruits and fresh vegetables, preferably raw, the most recommended being lemon, grapefruit, apple, arugula and cabbage
  • Vegetable oils of first pressure cold or cold-extracted
  • Herbs and herbs type parsley, thyme, garlic ...
  • Raisins, dates and dried almonds
  • Dairy products with raw milk and soy
  • Spring water

- the almost complete

  • Fermented soy sauces (tamari and shoju)
  • Sesame products (gomasio; tahin - spreadable sesame purée)
  • Seaweed

- antioxidants

  • Green tea and rooibos
  • Herbal, wheat, or barley juices
  • Juices and vegetables freshly centrifuged

- those useful for the intestinal flora, rich in probiotics

  • Legumes, whole grains, fruits and vegetables
  • Yogurt-type organic dairy products, white cheeses
  • Kefir and Kombucha (sparkling and fruity drinks)

- rich in minerals and trace elements, vitamins and enzymes

  • Barley seeds, oats, buckwheat, lentils, beans, sunflower ...
  • Lacto-fermented vegetables that are carrots, cucumbers, celery, turnips ...
  • Citrus juices with lemon, grapefruit ...
  • Unrefined gray sea salt

Foods to banish

Here we talk little about foods to ban but rather to restrict. There are listed acidifying foods such as:

  • Meat and fish, egg white
  • Industrial biscuits with refined ingredients
  • Pasteurized and industrial dairy products
  • Prepared dishes
  • Refined sugars corresponding to white sugar from industrial sweets and pastries, starch from cereals and white flour
  • Refined oils

Avoid as much as possible to see all the industrial and refined products.


Most :

- There is no calculation of calories to do. All keys for proper eating are provided to recognize at first glance the good of the bad foods and how much to eat.

- Many tips are given both on ways to fight cravings for nibbling as well as techniques to eat as best as possible, tips that promote weight loss sustainably!

- A coaching service is available on www.LeCoachMinceurBio.com , various subscriptions are accessible. They give access to slimming menus, shopping lists according to the seasons, organic recipes, 100 files and nutritional advice , ingredient sheets , discussion forums and offers the possibility to contact the team by email for any personal questions.

The lessers

- Some foods are not common and may grow back at first. It is therefore necessary to show good will to see openness to products such as grass juice.

- The cost of this "organic" diet is quite high .

- Food "closet" to be established initially, require some financial investment, as well as the utensils that can be missed as the steamer.

Duration and effectiveness

The authors recommend a year , the time to put in place the proper nutritional reflexes for a good diet.

This program can lose 3 to 4 pounds per month until the balance weight, however it all depends on the number of initial pounds to lose, the age and morphology of the person.

This program seems effective since it re-educates the eating habits of each.