Causes of overweight

Overweight is linked to an imbalance between the number of calories consumed and the energy needs of the body. More and more, our lifestyle and our habits encourage the taking of kilos. Indeed, the stress, the lunches taken on the go (for example, fast-food with soda), the more and more fatty food, the lack of sports activity ... are not there to help to lose kilos!

Physical activity to fight against your tendency to grow

Lack of physical activity can lead to overweight. In our society, the physical efforts are seen more and more diminished. To maintain your ideal weight, force yourself to move! For example, prefer stairs to elevators to get home, use the walk rather than your car to get bread, children to school, and even take your bike to get to work. When it comes to your hobbies, opt for outdoor activities that allow you to have fun instead of watching television or video games where you sit on your couch. Finally, sign up for a sports activity that will help you to work regularly to fight against overweight.

BMI and overweight

BMI is the body mass index that can be used to assess a person's body size, that is, its weight relative to its size. If the BMI is between 18.5 and 25 kg / m², the corpulence of the individual is quite normal. This index, reliable and widely used, allows to determine a possible overweight. This is the case if the BMI is between 25 and 30 kg / m². In turn, calculate your BMI to assess whether your weight is normal or if you are overweight.

Adapt your diet according to your age and your daily activity

At each age, his needs. It is the same according to your rhythm of life. Some people do not adapt their diet to these two factors; thus, they tend to grow. A growing teenager or a person who has a physical job will of course have more energy needs than a 35-year-old woman who has little physical activity, because she has a rather intellectual job that requires her to sit behind an office all day. Thus, to avoid overweight, adjust your diet according to these two factors.