Fake "starchy" glucomannan

To us risottos, paellas (without chorizo), rice pudding and other spaghetti that chime copiously "empty"! But the secret of Tokyo fashionistas: mannan-hikari and shirataki, respectively rice and pasta. Except that a plaster of one or the other is worth ... Three miserable calories the 100 g, with a suppressing effect as massive as perennial and zero risk of storage because they are without carbohydrate. Only soluble glucomannan fibers from the konjac tuber are included in their composition. As a bonus, they trap in their mesh part of the lipids and sugars absorbed with the meal and eliminate them before assimilation.

Shirataki (spaghetti or white or black vermicelli) are suitable as wheat pasta. They are sautéed in wok after cooking (1 to 3 min) with shrimp and tagliatelle zucchini or strips of grilled chicken with lemon. They are sold dry or in a liquid bag (rinse with hot water to neutralize the smell of ferment). In health food stores and Japanese grocery stores.

Volumateurs on the plate (and in the stomach)

The goal? Increase the proportions of fiber and / or protein that provide long-term satiation. The imperative? Combine them with caloric feather feathers (vegetables, lean dairy products, etc.) Azuki flax flakes (Japron red beans, which are salted like sweet), lentils and split peas are dispersed. , chickpeas or soy in tians and vegetable gratins, omelettes, compotes and soups (after cooking). Perfectly slimming-compatible, they regulate blood sugar . Better still: they boost the chances of stabilizing his new weight without rebounding. Studies show that not sulking carbohydrates bypasses the onset of hormonal stress that causes fatness and insulin resistance, which results in abdominal bulges. They are dosed anyway sparingly.

It is made of red algae agar-agar for its softness. It offers the aerial volume of the whipped cream and the creaminess of a sabayon without butter or cream. With 80% fiber on the meter, the agar-agar six times its initial volume to form a vegetable gelatin that slows down, in addition, the passage of carbohydrates in the blood and inhibits the assimilation of a small fraction. Neutral of taste, it is combined with all your desires in the form of flan, terrine, soufflé, desserts, mousse or bavarois. 2 to 4 g of agaragar are enough (3 cal / g) in milk, smoothie, cottage cheese, stew or soup. To note: to act, the agar-agar must first be brought to a boil. Before incorporating it into fragile ingredients (compote, dairy ...), it is heated separately in a water body.

Egg whites or 20% cream cheese are added to the snow and this ultra-protein maxi-volume is inserted into chopped spinach (without cream), au gratin of chard, zucchini or seasonal fruits diced on inflates the omelettes,

Oat bran is appropriated, not only does it saturate the most gluttonous stomachs, but it is the ally of (somewhat) cheese lovers, by eliminating a parcel of ingested lipids. The condition ? It is eaten at the beginning of a meal, mixed with a yogurt, a vegetable juice or a bowl of soup. In the dish, sliced ​​vegetables with 2 tbsp. Oat bran soup, 1 egg and 1 tbsp. A soup of 0% white cheese for an average bill of 100 cal.

Vegetables finesse

Vegetables champions as they are low in energy and generous in fiber, you can consume them in quantity without increasing in calories. Heads: endives (11 cal / 100 g for 3 g of fiber), followed by zucchini (10 cal / 100 g and 2 g of fiber); cabbage (green, red, broccoli or brussels) raw or cooked with 20 cal / 100 g for 2 to 3 g of fiber. Beans (green, snap or butter) are 25 cal / 100 g for 4 g of fiber. The grilled aubergine is worth 19 cal / 100 g for 2.5 g of fiber, only pectins that slow down the intestinal absorption of fat. The artichoke bottoms sit with 7 to 9 g of fiber, but they weigh a little more: 33 cal / 100 g. To combine with tomato, hearts of palm, salsify, spinach, chard, turnips. To expel excess aqueous tissue, it is believed mushrooms, fennel, onions, celery and leek, which regulate transit. Be careful not to succumb to the salad-raw vegetables-apple, protein-free: it is the insurance to retain water and not lose weight.

Fruits light red fruits are all good. They are avaricious in sugars (5 to 10%), with a low glyx, rich in fiber and stuffed with vitamin C and flavonoid antioxidants: raspberries, strawberries, currants, blackcurrants, blackberries, blueberries. To favor then, the citrus fruits and the melon. Finally, among the average weights (from 10 to 12% of carbohydrates), we find pome fruits and stones: apple, peach, nectarine, pear, passion fruit, plum, apricot. In the starter phase, do not consume at a meal that already includes cereals or legumes, the sugar bill would be too heavy.

Satiety appetizers with protein

From the outset, it's a triple winning match: the body wastes 30% of the calories absorbed just to degrade them. As a bonus, they are authentic anti-water retention patches and as they also strengthen the muscles, we shave everywhere.

The best performing animal protein alternates with the 18-24 g / 100 g protein-rich pieces for fish and 25-28 g / 100 g for meat and poultry that are low in fat. In the poultry farm, the chicken breast picks up the palm in all categories confounded with 2.5 to 5% of mg / 100 g followed closely by the thighs without the skin. The turkey is eaten in escalope, ham or fillet. Occasionally, duck breast without skin.

In the butcher's shop, a piece of beef is selected from the net, rib eye, rump steak, bib, roast beef or 5% minced beef steak. Also: Grilled meat (shoulder of beef). Alternate with pork tenderloin and fattened ham. With the veal, we put on the hock for osso-buco, the cutlet and the tenderloin.

At the fishmonger, there are plucked between less than 120 cal / 100 g: cod, hake, whiting, monkfish, red mullet, bar, haddock, turbot, prawns and prawns, oysters, mussels and crab and oily fish (from 130 at 210 cal / 100 g). Indispensable for their omega 3 which boost fat burning, promote the synthesis of serotonin and prevent sugary impulses: fresh or canned sardines (lemon or tomato), salmon, tuna, herring, mackerel.

We are aiming for the fresh, waterlogged 25% less fat and we snipe refined pasta, recleuses fat: faisselle 0%, fresh st moret, fresh square gervais 0%, fresh goat. From lightest to most "heavy", they oscillate from 18 to 30 cal portion. At the creamer,

The top 4 vegetable proteins stars seitan * it is nicknamed "escalope" or "steak végétal", because of its protein content: 25 to 30%, it rivals meat, both in consistency and flavor, and provides more than the fish. It is 100% gluten, the protein of wheat, completely free of its starch. At 110 cal / 100 g, it is tied with a hake steak or a chicken breast. He cooks himself like beef: grilled, pot-au-feu or Bolognese with shirataki.

These red algae are protein safes: they contain 50%, the most dense rate of all varieties of algae. Abyssal poverty in lipids and calories that is close to double zero, they are heavy fiber, ideal for a flat stomach. The dulses can be eaten raw as well as with raw vegetables enhanced with condiments that are steamed and cooked like a vegetable, as an accompaniment or in a quiche, a salty pie or an omelette. Alternate with the wakame brown algae, which is less rich in protein but packed with calcium, which boosts the intestinal elimination of lipids.

Tofu this curd soy milk contains five times less bad fats than meat. Result: 120 cal / 100 g, 12 g protein and an ultra-low Glyx 15. For its protein to reach 20/20 nutritional, it is coupled with cereals or legumes. Their amino acids complement each other to form a protein intake as perfect as animal protein. To marinate 15 min with aromatics.

Goji * in snacks or desserts, mellow or dry, these berries total 11 g / 100 g of protein and especially 19 of the 20 amino acids essential for a glyx down to 25. Mollo however: like all fruits, they are sweet.

The good kitchen-attitude

Although lipids are judiciously selected, they all weigh 9 cal / g, but according to their molecular composition, some fatally bounce adipocytes and others boost the combustion of adipose tissue. Omega 3 (rapeseed, linseed, walnut and camelina oils) help shed fat cells, slow down their growth and accelerate thermogenesis. It alternates with omega 9 (olive oil, hazelnut oil and oléisol), neither storage nor destocking. We put a flat for the consumption of omega 6 (sunflower oil, corn, avocado). A study shows that in three months, obese people have refined their waist and abdomen by reducing these polyunsaturated fatty acids in favor of omega 3.

We prefer the large pieces in the soup or fruit salad. The opportunity to absorb 20% fewer calories. Exit the smooth soups and smoothies! Thus, the satiety is manifested more quickly and at the beginning of meal, the profit is still reinforced. For dessert, fructose fruit is assimilated smoothly, without maltreat insulin. We prepare a vegetable broth organic defatted (sold in cubes) and it is decorated carrots slices cooked with cumin with grated ginger, zucchini with mint leaves, or cucumber mixed with soy sprouts.

We drink oat milk, ultra-digestible, low carbohydrate and lipid. Rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, it wakes up transit. At breakfast or snack.

We adopt the Thai fond zero fat, only a broth flavored with lemongrass (now frozen in Picard), coriander and lime, which we add shallot, curry, small peppers and 1 cm fresh ginger. Thin strips of poultry, meat or fish and vegetables are dipped in them.

We follow the custom of antipasti: before enjoying carbohydrates (pasta, rice ...), we swallow a salad generously sprinkled with cider vinegar. A study conducted at the University of Arizona shows that swallowing 2 tbsp. A s. Help regulate blood sugar. Its acetic acid inhibits the digestive enzymes responsible for the assimilation of starchy carbohydrates. You can also pour a good vinegar on the dish or lemon. The glyx is lowered as much as possible

We force without moderation on curry and cinnamon the assets of the first are satietogenic and cut the desire of salt. The cinnamon polyphenols regulate blood glucose, provided that 1 g per day (1 teaspoon) is consumed. (*) on sale in health food stores.

The right dose of slimming protein

1.2 g protein per kg of body weight per day, or 75.5 g weighing 63 kg. With a 150g cod pad, 37g of protein, for example, is already added. On average, count 25 g in 12 oysters, 1 tofu pavé, 100 g of meat, fish or poultry, 2 large eggs, 1/3 large pot of cottage cheese, 5 yogurt, 2 to 3 slices of ham.